Donate by check


Make your check payable to:

Committee to Elect Anna Pletcher District Attorney 2018

20 Galli Drive, Suite A
Novato, CA 94949-5731

Please fill out the required-by-law donor information form below if you are donating by check. (Online donors have a similar form on the Online page)

Thank you for your contribution.  — Anna

**If you are donating online, no need to fill out this form. You will enter your info when you click the Donate Online button.


We are required to use our best efforts to collect your occupation and employer. Please do not leave blank or enter 'N/A'.
If self-employed, enter 'self'; if unemployed enter 'none' or 'retired'.
Please complete even if self-employed; enter 'none' or 'retired' if unemployed.
I confirm that the above statements are true and accurate.

Contributions to political candidates and committees are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Committee to Elect Anna Pletcher District Attorney 2018, FPPC # 1392446. This campaign has no contribution limits.